Happy National Boss’s Day to one of the best

While nothing could have prepared us all for the broadscale economic, social and health challenges wrought by the historic COVID-19 pandemic, a few character traits among business leaders went a long way to mitigate the threat.

At Winch Financial, our CEO Christina Winch recognized immediately the need to invest in technology to ensure a smooth transition to a work-from-home situation. As a result of her investment, and staff member expertise, every employee maintained his or her workflow right from the start of the state lockdown and continues to enjoy an efficient and safe, hybrid working environment.

That type of foresight has been a hallmark of Christina’s in the financial planning industry since 1981.

So, today, on National Boss’s Day, we offer flowers and a particularly grateful salute.

Thank you for combining an old school commitment to a relationship-based business model with a refreshing eagerness to explore innovations in technology and investment techniques.

Thank you for your contagious enthusiasm and the impressive work ethic with which you launched a business that continues to grow and thrive.

Thank you for showing us how to treat clients like family.

Thank you for the office parties, birthday celebrations and spontaneous lunches.

Thank you for supporting a family-friendly work environment with flexibility and understanding.

Thank you for being a 40-year pioneer in a male-dominated industry.

Thank you for your sense of humor and fun.

From all of us at Winch Financial, Happy Boss’s Day to one of the best.