How The Sequence of Returns Can Affect My Retirement Income

When planning for retirement income, the ultimate goal is to protect your savings while building your nest egg. You need to consider how the sequence of return could impact your value over time, especially the years you’ll be living off the nest egg you’ve built. Learn more here.


We understand the dangers and opportunities presented by annuities. We can provide sound advice that is also independent. We urge you to check with us prior to purchasing an annuity product. You must understand the length of the surrender period and the payout options. If you add an income rider, you should consider its restrictions and obligations. We will go over the fine print and help you understand all of the options available to you.

Long Term Care

Owning a long term care policy can give you a sense of control over the way you spend your golden years. But, not all LTC policies are built alike. Don’t invest in an expensive policy and discover too late that it doesn’t provide adequate coverage. Group policies you purchase through work can be more reasonable. Contact us prior to purchasing your policy.

Life Insurance

Life insurance provides an immediate source of income to your beneficiaries, allowing them to pay off debts, make up for lost income and pay for your funeral costs and other related expenses. Additionally, some policies offer a cash value component, which can be used during your lifetime.

Funeral Expense Trust

When designed carefully, these trusts can alleviate the burden of funeral expenses for your family. Funded with guaranteed issue life insurance, these policies are designed to set aside a protected amount of money that will cover funeral expenses. This death benefit amount can be protected from creditors and Medicaid.

Dental and Vision Insurance

We now offer dental and optional vision coverage, which is available as an option with Ameritas. The company offers competitive rates and a large provider network. To access the direct link, click here.