While nothing could have prepared us all for the broadscale economic, social and health challenges wrought by the historic COVID-19 pandemic, a few character traits among business leaders went a long way to mitigate the threat. At Winch Financial, our CEO Christina Winch recognized immediately the need to invest in technology to ensure a smooth transition to a work-from-home situation. As a result of her investment, and staff member expertise, every employee maintained his or her workflow right from the start of the state lockdown and continues to enjoy an efficient and safe, hybrid working environment. That type of foresight has been a hallmark of Christina’s in the financial planning industry since 1981. So, today, on National Boss’s Day, we offer flowers and a particularly grateful salute. Thank you for combining an old school commitment to a relationship-based business model with a refreshing eagerness to explore innovations in technology and investment techniques. Thank you for your contagious enthusiasm and the impressive work ethic with which you launched a business that continues to grow and thrive. Thank you for showing us how to treat clients like family. Thank you for the office parties, birthday celebrations and spontaneous lunches. Thank you for supporting a family-friendly work environment with flexibility and understanding. Thank you for being a 40-year pioneer in a male-dominated industry. Thank you for your sense of humor and fun. From all of us at Winch Financial, Happy Boss’s Day to one of the best.
Dear Dad
Dear Dad, It has been an especially challenging though hopefully gratifying year for you. You’ve seen your likelihood threatened and your home life redefined. Many of you, with neither training nor forewarning, added teacher to your resume, though this had never been your goal. Others worked as sous and/or head chefs, gamely developing kitchen skill sets you never imagined you’d need when your family’s favorite restaurant food became inaccessible. Most have worked from home for a period of time, attended meetings amidst the chaos of family life and navigated rough water as your two separate worlds unexpectedly collided. Or, you’ve been furloughed and had to apply for unemployment benefits, possibly for the first time in a long and successful career. Plato (and a lot of people after him) said necessity is the mother of invention. It’s the father of invention too, as we’ve seen this year. All over the world, fathers have risen to the challenge of this global pandemic and its unsettling wake. Maybe you feel a little nervous about your financial future, or discombobulated by this rapidly changing world. Or you’ve engaged in difficult discussions with family members and had your belief system challenged. Maybe even, through your own introspection, you’ve recognized some shortcomings and grown. In any or all of these cases, we salute you, we stand with you and we’re here for you should you need our help or guidance. You’ve made an impact on your family and the world. We know we’re just a little over halfway through one of the most challenging years in history and we all still have a lot of work to do. But, we hope all of you Dads, Daddies, Grandpas and Gramps, take at least one day to recognize how far you’ve come and then, as one of our favorite quarterbacks once said, “Relax!” Happy Father’s Day from all of us at Winch Financial.
Seven tips to keep you safer online while you are Safer at Home
As the world hunkers down in a global effort to stop the COVID-19 spread, scammers are ramping up their sinister efforts. We all need to be extra vigilant as we spend more time online. Furloughed workers who need to apply for unemployment benefits and aren’t sure how, senior citizens concerned about the decrease in their principal, and bored people who aren’t used to being home all day and let down their guard all make easy targets. We urge everyone to remain vigilant and to keep in mind that Safer at Home does not translate to Safer Online. Here are some tips to keep you safe, especially during the next few weeks. If you find yourself furloughed and need to apply for unemployment benefits, please be very cautious about what link you use. The address should end in gov. Do not click on a link you see in an ad. In Wisconsin, the correct links are https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/uiben/online/ and https://my.unemployment.wisconsin.gov. Hang up on robocalls offering you virus treatments or work from home opportunities. Do not respond at all and do not click on any numbers, even if you are directed to dial a number to be removed from the call list. Just hang up. Do not order any home test kits or remedies touted in any advertisement. There currently are no vaccines, pills, potions, lotions, lozenges or other prescription or over-the-counter products available to treat or cure Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) — online or in stores. There are also currently no FDA-authorized home test kits for the Coronavirus. Do not share false information about the virus. For legitimate information and updates, visit the U.S. Government’s Coronavirus site here: https://www.usa.gov/coronavirus A $2 trillion Coronavirus stimulus package has been agreed to by the Senate, but details about how that money will be distributed have not yet been announced. Do not respond to any emails, texts or phone calls offering quick access to any stimulus… | Read More »