Sandy Shultz

A quick study, Sandy relishes her multiple-level jobs and is licensed in life, accident and health insurance. Her appreciation for thorough research and analysis makes her a key member of the investment team. Sandy graduated from Northern Illinois University in 2002 with a Journalism degree and, outside the office, she continues to do some freelance work in marketing and PR. She and her husband Jason, who met on the NASCAR circuit, live in Freedom, Wisconsin with their daughter Katelynn. They also own Dirt Kings Tour, a late model racing series. Get to know Sandy: What was you first job: I worked in the Accessories Department at Dayton’s in the Fox River Mall selling purses and jewelry. Describe your most memorable vacation:  We went to Hawaii in February 2020 to celebrate our 15th anniversary along with our daughter and my parents, who were celebrating their 40th anniversary!  On Oahu, we toured Pearl Harbor, visited the North Shore, saw incredible waves and surfers.  We enjoyed some Hawaiian Shaved Ice, visited the Dole Plantation, saw whales in the Pacific and hiked Diamond Head.  After a few days in Waikiki we spent a week on Maui, enjoying the beautiful town of Lahaina and Kaanapali Beach.  We saw so many whales on our snorkeling tour to Molokini Crater and took a sunrise whale watching cruise.  We enjoyed many walks down Front Street in Lahaina and had delicious meals at Fleetwood’s, Down the Hatch, Cheeseburger in Paradise and attended a luau at Old Lahaina Luau.  We made so many incredible memories as a family. Coffee or tea: Coffee! Cat or dog: Cats! Best book you ever read: The Bible What is your favorite season: Summer!  

Laura Biskupic

Biskupic began her career as a sports writer more than 25 years ago. In the intervening years she has worked as Sports Information Director at Benedictine University, a journalism teacher at Xavier High School and as a freelance writer. Biskupic calls upon all of these experiences in her day-to-day life at Winch Financial, where she is responsible for the Winch Financial and Ginkgo Fund websites, monthly newsletter, quarterly report, periodic seminars, print and commercial advertising and promotional materials. Laura and her husband, Vince, an attorney, are the parents of four grown children. Get to know Laura better: First Job: Softball umpire Most memorable vacation: Machu Picchu with my mom, son and daughter Coffee or Tea: Tea Dog or cat: Dog Best book you ever read: The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto. It’s an unusual choice but it popped right into my head when I read the question so that’s what I’m going with. I really loved this book. I also loved The Lemon Tree. Favorite season: Summer

Vicki Weinaug Martin EA

When it comes to time management, Winch Financial accountant Vicki Weinaug knows how to prioritize. Due to her multiple roles, Vicki can spend up to 80 hours a week working during tax season. Prior to working at Winch Financial, she spent 14 years in public accounting. In addition to a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Lakeland College, Weinaug holds an associate degree in accounting from Fox Valley Technical College. She is an IRS enrolled agent. She maintains a demanding schedule at Winch Financial, where she is in charge of bookkeeping, billing, accounting, and tax preparation. Vicki is a wife, mother, mother in-law and grandmother. Get to know Vicki better: First Job: Paper Route – dietary aid at Oakridge Gardens once I turned 16 and could get rid of the paper route. Most memorable vacation: All vacations are memorable – especially if traveling.  Don’t have one that stands out.  Sorry Coffee or Tea: Tea Dog or cat: Cat  Best book you ever read: I have read too many to pick.  I am almost up to book #1,000 of books read as an adult. Favorite season: Spring